Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ever wanted to get your online income streams managed all at once?

You can now do it by joining UPC. UPC is an alternative choice for those of you who wish to bypass the task of maneuvering through the daunting process of joining many different business opportunities or INCOME OFFERS. At last, after many months of legal work, you can simply add funds to a pool that is already earning a diversified income by joining the UpgradeYourLife Private Club (UPC). UPC is the consolidation of the entire UpgradeYourLife portfolio, all in one pool, under the umbrella of a legal Private Membership Agreement (PMA) for the purpose of providing outsourcing for its members.

Here are some of the reasons why you will want to join UPC…
1. You save money by eliminating multiple membership fees. One low monthly subscription covers the entire UpgradeYourLife portfolio plus some of our other private programs.
2. You automatically meet all of the program min. purchase requirements.
3. You are diversified into several income streams.
4. 100% passive income (optional).
5. Your risk is dramatically reduced. When you purchase UPC shares, your funds are not heavily influenced by one business.
6. Your funds always earn at the highest upgrade level.
7. You never have any daily task such as viewing websites, blogging, posting ads or recruiting to qualify for the daily earnings. No more learning curve and no more conference calls.
8. Multiple withdrawals are no longer necessary. All earnings are consolidated into one account.
9. 100% of all portfolio earnings are given to the UPC members.
10. All earnings compound automatically.

You get all of the above, for a low $29 monthly subscription. That is only a fraction of what some of you are already paying for only one diamond subscription at $200 per month. Or, you can save $5,122 by just eliminating one diamond subscription that upc already paid. Or, you can earn from all of our forex accounts without having to personally invest the $5,000 or $10,000 minimum requirements. Yes! no matter how many businesses our portfolio subscribes to, now and in the future, you automatically earn from those businesses, and you do not pay for any of their subscriptions plus you are paid at the highest upgrade levels. That means that UPC is saving you $1,000s annually in subscription fees alone. That has to be the deal of the century.

Some of our businesses are earning up to 30% per month. Several of our businesses earn over 1% per workday. Add it all up and it will give you a very nice income (totally passive). Naturally, the earnings are not guaranteed but by diversifying and eliminating most of your expenses, the earnings are dramatically increased and the risk is reduced to a minimum. Our goal is to earn 1.5% per workday or about 30% per month. To get an idea of your future earnings, each $100 spent should earn about $30 per month. Keep in mind that the first $100 spent should earn enough to offset the monthly subscription fee of $29 and all other spends would produce net earnings for your enjoyment.

Having said that, let’s move forward. Let me tell you what this endeavor is and what it is not.
  • First and foremost, this is not a ponzi. All of the earnings are derived from outside sources. New money and new members are not required for earnings to continue. This proves that this is NOT a ponzi.
  • There are NO restarts like some of these programs that keep running out of money and have the audacity to tell you that their programs are indefinitely sustainable.
  • This is a legal Private Membership Association (PMA) which is protected by our U.S. constitution.
  • If you choose to refer new members, anytime your referrals make a withdrawal, 10% of their withdrawals will be credited to you as a referral commission. This can be huge and it can increase the number of UPC shares that you own. Of course, the more shares you own ... the more you earn.
  • All members can login to see their shares (updated weekly) after acceptance of their ID documents and completed PMA agreement. Please be patient.
  • You will be credited for the net amount received after the payment processor fees have been deducted. Checks are acceptable with no fees.
  • UPC accepts STP, Paypal, EgoPay, and Payza. Checks are accepted from U.S. members only.
  • No future subscriptions are due until you have enough earnings to pay the subscriptions.
  • This is a private offering and you must be a UPC member to own shares. MEMBERS ONLY!!!
  • This offer may be withdrawn at any time. You will be notified as soon as we stop selling UPC shares. A limit of 1,000 members is presently being adhered to.
  • UPC reserves the right to make changes at anytime and members have the right to withdraw and/or close their accounts at anytime without penalty.
  • With this new outsourcing service, our members finally get to live the PASSIVE INCOME LIFESTYLE that no other lifestyle can provide.
To participate in this lucrative private club, you may register by clicking the link below: